Got carried away

So you know how it is when you suddenly decide that you are going to do something and then it all changes to something completely different.  Well today was one of those time.  Late this morning I decided that I would go into the studio and catch up on a couple of sample quilts that I have to make for a couple of shops that have said they will recommend my services to their customers.  So off I set with all good intentions and got to the studio to find only one other person in the building, and they had been moving from one office to a larger one recently, and so had been organizing the new one all weekend. 

After a cheery hello I opened my door and thought, hhmmm I wonder if the space would work better if……..
And so I set to and it went from this…  
 to this 

I now have a large space at the top where I have plenty of room to put up the ironing board and  add another couple of small tables for when I hold a small class in here.

Not content with that I set to and decided to make a small quilt with the remains of a jelly roll I had previously and found again when sorting this lot out.  So off I set and very soon I had this little lot ready.  
Now the next question is what colour do I put with it all.  

Black makes them pop

White makes it fresh looking

So which one do I choose ????

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