The last time I posted I said I would show you some of the most recent customer quilts. To tell you the truth I have had a lot of fun with these.
The owner of The Place in Lichfield asked me to quilt this one for her daughter’s birthday. She had been working on it for some time in-between running the shop and all the courses she runs, so time eventually got a little bit tight, but once it was on the frame it didn’t take long and it was on its way back ready for it’s wrapping and bows the next day. All was good and her daughter loved it.

Heavy quilting would have taken to much away from it and the maker wanted it to drape nicely so that it could be used all around the house, to snuggle up in when watching TV and to put on the bed on those chilly nights. For this reason I used a lovely wool batting that allows the quilt to breath and doesn’t hold onto the folds when it has been put to one side or hung over the settee. I also used a lovely variegated thread with one inch changes that went from black to white, ideal for this fabric. A lovely pantograph pattern was used which suits so many different style quilts.
This next one was a bit of Christmas in May. The customer wanted a pattern that reflected some of the patterns in the fabrics. After discussing this with the maker it was decided to freehand little Christmas fairy lights all over the quilt with the exception of the gold stars which were outlined with ‘stitch in the ditch’ work.

Totally freehand fairy lights to light up this quilt
This made the stars stand out slightly from the rest of the busy patterns. The border was completed with a piano key pattern. I enjoyed this one as the design was completely freehand, no pattern, no templates and definitely no computer to help.
The last one I am going to show you today was a bright beauty that was to have a fleece backing. Now some fleeces are not nice to work with as they stretch and when taken of the frame it then pulls back and drags in the stitching creating what we call rubber banding. This one however behaved perfectly. I used a great multicoloured variegated thread to match all the beautiful colours in the fabrics and a very pale pink on the bottom. This quilt was for a granddaughter and the quilting design had to be able to take her from her childhood into her later years so a lovely floral pantograph pattern was used.

Beautiful multi-coloured thread

Soft and squidgy fleece shows the quilting beautifully.
Next time I will let you see some of the progress I am making on the competition quilt which eventually you will be able to see at the Festival of Quilts at the NEC later this year.
Until then, take care and keep quilting.
Lynda x
custom quilting